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On-Premise Deployment with Docker

On-Premise Deployment with Docker

This guide will help you install and run the Proxus IIoT platform using Docker for an on-premise deployment.

Note: To start using Proxus after installation, you'll need to request a demo license. Please visit to submit your free demo license request.


Before starting, ensure you have Docker and Docker Compose installed:

  • Docker: Download it from the Docker official website if you don't have it already. Make sure to download the version compatible with your operating system.

  • Docker Compose: It is typically included with Docker on Windows and macOS. Linux users can download it from the Docker Compose GitHub repository.

Downloading and Setting Up the Proxus IIoT Platform

For Linux and Mac

Open a terminal window.

Execute the following commands to download the docker-compose.yml file and associated configurations using wget or curl.

If you have wget:


wget -O docker-compose.yml "${BASE_URL}docker-compose.yml" 
mkdir -p "${CONFIGS_DIR}" 

for file in dashboard.yml datasource.yml dotnet-otel-dashboard.json \
             jaeger-ui.json logs-dashboard.json loki.yml \
             otel-collector-config.yml prometheus.yml grafana.ini \
             accounts.conf hub.conf; do 
    wget -O "${CONFIGS_DIR}/${file}" "${BASE_URL}Configs/${file}"

If you have curl installed:


curl -LO "${BASE_URL}docker-compose.yml" 
mkdir -p "${CONFIGS_DIR}" 

curl -L "${BASE_URL}Configs/{dashboard.yml,datasource.yml,dotnet-otel-dashboard.json,jaeger-ui.json,logs-dashboard.json,loki.yml,otel-collector-config.yml,prometheus.yml,grafana.ini,accounts.conf,hub.conf}" -o "${CONFIGS_DIR}/#1"

For Windows using curl

Open a Command Prompt or PowerShell window.

Enter the following command to download the docker-compose.yml file and associated configurations:

@echo off 

curl -sS -LO %BASE_URL%docker-compose.yml 

curl -sS -L %BASE_URL%Configs/dashboard.yml -o %CONFIGS_DIR%/dashboard.yml 
curl -sS -L %BASE_URL%Configs/datasource.yml -o %CONFIGS_DIR%/datasource.yml 
curl -sS -L %BASE_URL%Configs/dotnet-otel-dashboard.json -o %CONFIGS_DIR%/dotnet-otel-dashboard.json 
curl -sS -L %BASE_URL%Configs/jaeger-ui.json -o %CONFIGS_DIR%/jaeger-ui.json 
curl -sS -L %BASE_URL%Configs/logs-dashboard.json -o %CONFIGS_DIR%/logs-dashboard.json 
curl -sS -L %BASE_URL%Configs/loki.yml -o %CONFIGS_DIR%/loki.yml 
curl -sS -L %BASE_URL%Configs/otel-collector-config.yml -o %CONFIGS_DIR%/otel-collector-config.yml 
curl -sS -L %BASE_URL%Configs/prometheus.yml -o %CONFIGS_DIR%/prometheus.yml 
curl -sS -L %BASE_URL%Configs/grafana.ini -o %CONFIGS_DIR%/grafana.ini 
curl -sS -L %BASE_URL%Configs/accounts.conf -o %CONFIGS_DIR%/accounts.conf 
curl -sS -L %BASE_URL%Configs/hub.conf -o

Note: The -O option tells curl to output to a file instead of standard output. The file name in the URL will be used as the local file name. If curl is not recognized as a command, you may need to add it to your PATH or use a full path to the curl executable.

For Windows using PowerShell

Open PowerShell.

Use the Invoke-WebRequest cmdlet to download the file:

$b = "" 
$c = "Configs" 

Invoke-WebRequest "${b}docker-compose.yml" -OutFile "docker-compose.yml" 
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $c 

"dashboard.yml datasource.yml dotnet-otel-dashboard.json jaeger-ui.json logs-dashboard.json loki.yml otel-collector-config.yml prometheus.yml grafana.ini accounts.conf hub.conf".Split() | ForEach-Object { 
    Invoke-WebRequest "${b}Configs/$_" -OutFile "${c}/$_"

Running the docker-compose.yml File

After downloading the docker-compose.yml file and associated configurations, you can run it with Docker Compose:

  1. Navigate to the directory containing the downloaded files.

  2. Execute the following command:

docker-compose -p "proxus" up -d

Note: You might need administrative privileges. Use sudo on Linux/macOS, or run as an administrator on Windows.

Accessing the Proxus IIoT Platform

Once the Docker containers are up and running, access the platform by opening a web browser and navigating to http://localhost:8080.

  • Username: Admin

  • Password: leave this field blank

Updating the Proxus IIoT Platform

Ensure your platform is up-to-date by following these steps:

  1. Backup Data: Always start with a data backup. Follow the backup procedure below.

  2. Check for Updates: Visit the Proxus IIoT GitHub repository for the latest updates and release notes.

  3. Download the Latest docker-compose.yml File: Repeat the download steps from the appropriate section above based on your operating system.

  4. Update and Restart Services: In the directory with the docker-compose.yml file, run:

docker compose -p "proxus" pull docker compose -p "proxus" up -d

Modifying the Proxus Configuration

This command gets the path to the proxus_config Docker volume, opens the Proxus configuration file (Proxus-config.toml) using the nano editor, allowing you to make necessary modifications. Remember to save changes after editing.

VOLUME_PATH=$(docker volume inspect proxus_config --format '{{ .Mountpoint }}') && CONFIG_FILE="${VOLUME_PATH}/Proxus-config.toml" && nano "$CONFIG_FILE"

Local File Copy to Container

To update the configuration of your Proxus IIoT platform, you may need to copy local files to a Docker container. Here's how you can copy your local Proxus-config.toml file to the proxus-ui container and Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll file to the proxus-server container.

Copying the Configuration File

Use the docker cp command to copy the local Proxus-config.toml file into the proxus-ui container:

docker cp

Use the docker cp command to copy the local Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll file into the proxus-server container:

docker cp

Backup and Restore Procedures


To create a backup of your Proxus IIoT data, use the following command:

sudo sh -c 'backup_dir="./proxus_backup"; mkdir -p "${backup_dir}"; \ for volume in $(docker volume ls --filter name=proxus --format "{{.Name}}"); \ do echo "Backing up ${volume}..."; \ docker run --rm -v "${volume}:/data" -v "${backup_dir}:/backup" busybox \ tar czf "/backup/${volume}_backup.tar.gz" -C /data .; \ echo "Backup of ${volume} completed."; done'

This command creates a directory called proxus_backup in the current working directory and creates a compressed archive file for each Docker volume associated with the Proxus IIoT platform.


To restore your data from a backup, use the following command:

sudo sh -c 'backup_dir="./proxus_backup"; \ for backup_file in ${backup_dir}/*_backup.tar.gz; \ do volume="$(basename ${backup_file} _backup.tar.gz)"; \ echo "Restoring ${volume} from ${backup_file}..."; \ docker run --rm -v "${volume}:/data" -v "$(pwd):/backup" busybox \ tar xzf "/backup/${backup_file}" -C "/data"; \ echo "Restoration of ${volume} completed."; done'

This command assumes you have a directory called proxus_backup in the current working directory containing the backup files. It will extract each compressed archive file to the corresponding Docker volume.

Note: Make sure to stop and remove the Proxus IIoT containers before performing a restore operation to avoid data corruption.


If you encounter any issues during the installation or usage of the Proxus IIoT platform, you can check the Docker logs for more information:

Replace proxus-ui and proxus-server with the appropriate container names if they are different in your setup.

You can also seek help from the Proxus IIoT community or official support channels.

On-Premise Deployment with Docker

This guide will help you install and run the Proxus IIoT platform using Docker for an on-premise deployment.

Note: To start using Proxus after installation, you'll need to request a demo license. Please visit to submit your free demo license request.


Before starting, ensure you have Docker and Docker Compose installed:

  • Docker: Download it from the Docker official website if you don't have it already. Make sure to download the version compatible with your operating system.

  • Docker Compose: It is typically included with Docker on Windows and macOS. Linux users can download it from the Docker Compose GitHub repository.

Downloading and Setting Up the Proxus IIoT Platform

For Linux and Mac

Open a terminal window.

Execute the following commands to download the docker-compose.yml file and associated configurations using wget or curl.

If you have wget:


wget -O docker-compose.yml "${BASE_URL}docker-compose.yml" 
mkdir -p "${CONFIGS_DIR}" 

for file in dashboard.yml datasource.yml dotnet-otel-dashboard.json \
             jaeger-ui.json logs-dashboard.json loki.yml \
             otel-collector-config.yml prometheus.yml grafana.ini \
             accounts.conf hub.conf; do 
    wget -O "${CONFIGS_DIR}/${file}" "${BASE_URL}Configs/${file}"

If you have curl installed:


curl -LO "${BASE_URL}docker-compose.yml" 
mkdir -p "${CONFIGS_DIR}" 

curl -L "${BASE_URL}Configs/{dashboard.yml,datasource.yml,dotnet-otel-dashboard.json,jaeger-ui.json,logs-dashboard.json,loki.yml,otel-collector-config.yml,prometheus.yml,grafana.ini,accounts.conf,hub.conf}" -o "${CONFIGS_DIR}/#1"

For Windows using curl

Open a Command Prompt or PowerShell window.

Enter the following command to download the docker-compose.yml file and associated configurations:

@echo off 

curl -sS -LO %BASE_URL%docker-compose.yml 

curl -sS -L %BASE_URL%Configs/dashboard.yml -o %CONFIGS_DIR%/dashboard.yml 
curl -sS -L %BASE_URL%Configs/datasource.yml -o %CONFIGS_DIR%/datasource.yml 
curl -sS -L %BASE_URL%Configs/dotnet-otel-dashboard.json -o %CONFIGS_DIR%/dotnet-otel-dashboard.json 
curl -sS -L %BASE_URL%Configs/jaeger-ui.json -o %CONFIGS_DIR%/jaeger-ui.json 
curl -sS -L %BASE_URL%Configs/logs-dashboard.json -o %CONFIGS_DIR%/logs-dashboard.json 
curl -sS -L %BASE_URL%Configs/loki.yml -o %CONFIGS_DIR%/loki.yml 
curl -sS -L %BASE_URL%Configs/otel-collector-config.yml -o %CONFIGS_DIR%/otel-collector-config.yml 
curl -sS -L %BASE_URL%Configs/prometheus.yml -o %CONFIGS_DIR%/prometheus.yml 
curl -sS -L %BASE_URL%Configs/grafana.ini -o %CONFIGS_DIR%/grafana.ini 
curl -sS -L %BASE_URL%Configs/accounts.conf -o %CONFIGS_DIR%/accounts.conf 
curl -sS -L %BASE_URL%Configs/hub.conf -o

Note: The -O option tells curl to output to a file instead of standard output. The file name in the URL will be used as the local file name. If curl is not recognized as a command, you may need to add it to your PATH or use a full path to the curl executable.

For Windows using PowerShell

Open PowerShell.

Use the Invoke-WebRequest cmdlet to download the file:

$b = "" 
$c = "Configs" 

Invoke-WebRequest "${b}docker-compose.yml" -OutFile "docker-compose.yml" 
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $c 

"dashboard.yml datasource.yml dotnet-otel-dashboard.json jaeger-ui.json logs-dashboard.json loki.yml otel-collector-config.yml prometheus.yml grafana.ini accounts.conf hub.conf".Split() | ForEach-Object { 
    Invoke-WebRequest "${b}Configs/$_" -OutFile "${c}/$_"

Running the docker-compose.yml File

After downloading the docker-compose.yml file and associated configurations, you can run it with Docker Compose:

  1. Navigate to the directory containing the downloaded files.

  2. Execute the following command:

docker-compose -p "proxus" up -d

Note: You might need administrative privileges. Use sudo on Linux/macOS, or run as an administrator on Windows.

Accessing the Proxus IIoT Platform

Once the Docker containers are up and running, access the platform by opening a web browser and navigating to http://localhost:8080.

  • Username: Admin

  • Password: leave this field blank

Updating the Proxus IIoT Platform

Ensure your platform is up-to-date by following these steps:

  1. Backup Data: Always start with a data backup. Follow the backup procedure below.

  2. Check for Updates: Visit the Proxus IIoT GitHub repository for the latest updates and release notes.

  3. Download the Latest docker-compose.yml File: Repeat the download steps from the appropriate section above based on your operating system.

  4. Update and Restart Services: In the directory with the docker-compose.yml file, run:

docker compose -p "proxus" pull docker compose -p "proxus" up -d

Modifying the Proxus Configuration

This command gets the path to the proxus_config Docker volume, opens the Proxus configuration file (Proxus-config.toml) using the nano editor, allowing you to make necessary modifications. Remember to save changes after editing.

VOLUME_PATH=$(docker volume inspect proxus_config --format '{{ .Mountpoint }}') && CONFIG_FILE="${VOLUME_PATH}/Proxus-config.toml" && nano "$CONFIG_FILE"

Local File Copy to Container

To update the configuration of your Proxus IIoT platform, you may need to copy local files to a Docker container. Here's how you can copy your local Proxus-config.toml file to the proxus-ui container and Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll file to the proxus-server container.

Copying the Configuration File

Use the docker cp command to copy the local Proxus-config.toml file into the proxus-ui container:

docker cp

Use the docker cp command to copy the local Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll file into the proxus-server container:

docker cp

Backup and Restore Procedures


To create a backup of your Proxus IIoT data, use the following command:

sudo sh -c 'backup_dir="./proxus_backup"; mkdir -p "${backup_dir}"; \ for volume in $(docker volume ls --filter name=proxus --format "{{.Name}}"); \ do echo "Backing up ${volume}..."; \ docker run --rm -v "${volume}:/data" -v "${backup_dir}:/backup" busybox \ tar czf "/backup/${volume}_backup.tar.gz" -C /data .; \ echo "Backup of ${volume} completed."; done'

This command creates a directory called proxus_backup in the current working directory and creates a compressed archive file for each Docker volume associated with the Proxus IIoT platform.


To restore your data from a backup, use the following command:

sudo sh -c 'backup_dir="./proxus_backup"; \ for backup_file in ${backup_dir}/*_backup.tar.gz; \ do volume="$(basename ${backup_file} _backup.tar.gz)"; \ echo "Restoring ${volume} from ${backup_file}..."; \ docker run --rm -v "${volume}:/data" -v "$(pwd):/backup" busybox \ tar xzf "/backup/${backup_file}" -C "/data"; \ echo "Restoration of ${volume} completed."; done'

This command assumes you have a directory called proxus_backup in the current working directory containing the backup files. It will extract each compressed archive file to the corresponding Docker volume.

Note: Make sure to stop and remove the Proxus IIoT containers before performing a restore operation to avoid data corruption.


If you encounter any issues during the installation or usage of the Proxus IIoT platform, you can check the Docker logs for more information:

Replace proxus-ui and proxus-server with the appropriate container names if they are different in your setup.

You can also seek help from the Proxus IIoT community or official support channels.

On-Premise Deployment with Docker

This guide will help you install and run the Proxus IIoT platform using Docker for an on-premise deployment.

Note: To start using Proxus after installation, you'll need to request a demo license. Please visit to submit your free demo license request.


Before starting, ensure you have Docker and Docker Compose installed:

  • Docker: Download it from the Docker official website if you don't have it already. Make sure to download the version compatible with your operating system.

  • Docker Compose: It is typically included with Docker on Windows and macOS. Linux users can download it from the Docker Compose GitHub repository.

Downloading and Setting Up the Proxus IIoT Platform

For Linux and Mac

Open a terminal window.

Execute the following commands to download the docker-compose.yml file and associated configurations using wget or curl.

If you have wget:


wget -O docker-compose.yml "${BASE_URL}docker-compose.yml" 
mkdir -p "${CONFIGS_DIR}" 

for file in dashboard.yml datasource.yml dotnet-otel-dashboard.json \
             jaeger-ui.json logs-dashboard.json loki.yml \
             otel-collector-config.yml prometheus.yml grafana.ini \
             accounts.conf hub.conf; do 
    wget -O "${CONFIGS_DIR}/${file}" "${BASE_URL}Configs/${file}"

If you have curl installed:


curl -LO "${BASE_URL}docker-compose.yml" 
mkdir -p "${CONFIGS_DIR}" 

curl -L "${BASE_URL}Configs/{dashboard.yml,datasource.yml,dotnet-otel-dashboard.json,jaeger-ui.json,logs-dashboard.json,loki.yml,otel-collector-config.yml,prometheus.yml,grafana.ini,accounts.conf,hub.conf}" -o "${CONFIGS_DIR}/#1"

For Windows using curl

Open a Command Prompt or PowerShell window.

Enter the following command to download the docker-compose.yml file and associated configurations:

@echo off 

curl -sS -LO %BASE_URL%docker-compose.yml 

curl -sS -L %BASE_URL%Configs/dashboard.yml -o %CONFIGS_DIR%/dashboard.yml 
curl -sS -L %BASE_URL%Configs/datasource.yml -o %CONFIGS_DIR%/datasource.yml 
curl -sS -L %BASE_URL%Configs/dotnet-otel-dashboard.json -o %CONFIGS_DIR%/dotnet-otel-dashboard.json 
curl -sS -L %BASE_URL%Configs/jaeger-ui.json -o %CONFIGS_DIR%/jaeger-ui.json 
curl -sS -L %BASE_URL%Configs/logs-dashboard.json -o %CONFIGS_DIR%/logs-dashboard.json 
curl -sS -L %BASE_URL%Configs/loki.yml -o %CONFIGS_DIR%/loki.yml 
curl -sS -L %BASE_URL%Configs/otel-collector-config.yml -o %CONFIGS_DIR%/otel-collector-config.yml 
curl -sS -L %BASE_URL%Configs/prometheus.yml -o %CONFIGS_DIR%/prometheus.yml 
curl -sS -L %BASE_URL%Configs/grafana.ini -o %CONFIGS_DIR%/grafana.ini 
curl -sS -L %BASE_URL%Configs/accounts.conf -o %CONFIGS_DIR%/accounts.conf 
curl -sS -L %BASE_URL%Configs/hub.conf -o

Note: The -O option tells curl to output to a file instead of standard output. The file name in the URL will be used as the local file name. If curl is not recognized as a command, you may need to add it to your PATH or use a full path to the curl executable.

For Windows using PowerShell

Open PowerShell.

Use the Invoke-WebRequest cmdlet to download the file:

$b = "" 
$c = "Configs" 

Invoke-WebRequest "${b}docker-compose.yml" -OutFile "docker-compose.yml" 
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $c 

"dashboard.yml datasource.yml dotnet-otel-dashboard.json jaeger-ui.json logs-dashboard.json loki.yml otel-collector-config.yml prometheus.yml grafana.ini accounts.conf hub.conf".Split() | ForEach-Object { 
    Invoke-WebRequest "${b}Configs/$_" -OutFile "${c}/$_"

Running the docker-compose.yml File

After downloading the docker-compose.yml file and associated configurations, you can run it with Docker Compose:

  1. Navigate to the directory containing the downloaded files.

  2. Execute the following command:

docker-compose -p "proxus" up -d

Note: You might need administrative privileges. Use sudo on Linux/macOS, or run as an administrator on Windows.

Accessing the Proxus IIoT Platform

Once the Docker containers are up and running, access the platform by opening a web browser and navigating to http://localhost:8080.

  • Username: Admin

  • Password: leave this field blank

Updating the Proxus IIoT Platform

Ensure your platform is up-to-date by following these steps:

  1. Backup Data: Always start with a data backup. Follow the backup procedure below.

  2. Check for Updates: Visit the Proxus IIoT GitHub repository for the latest updates and release notes.

  3. Download the Latest docker-compose.yml File: Repeat the download steps from the appropriate section above based on your operating system.

  4. Update and Restart Services: In the directory with the docker-compose.yml file, run:

docker compose -p "proxus" pull docker compose -p "proxus" up -d

Modifying the Proxus Configuration

This command gets the path to the proxus_config Docker volume, opens the Proxus configuration file (Proxus-config.toml) using the nano editor, allowing you to make necessary modifications. Remember to save changes after editing.

VOLUME_PATH=$(docker volume inspect proxus_config --format '{{ .Mountpoint }}') && CONFIG_FILE="${VOLUME_PATH}/Proxus-config.toml" && nano "$CONFIG_FILE"

Local File Copy to Container

To update the configuration of your Proxus IIoT platform, you may need to copy local files to a Docker container. Here's how you can copy your local Proxus-config.toml file to the proxus-ui container and Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll file to the proxus-server container.

Copying the Configuration File

Use the docker cp command to copy the local Proxus-config.toml file into the proxus-ui container:

docker cp

Use the docker cp command to copy the local Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll file into the proxus-server container:

docker cp

Backup and Restore Procedures


To create a backup of your Proxus IIoT data, use the following command:

sudo sh -c 'backup_dir="./proxus_backup"; mkdir -p "${backup_dir}"; \ for volume in $(docker volume ls --filter name=proxus --format "{{.Name}}"); \ do echo "Backing up ${volume}..."; \ docker run --rm -v "${volume}:/data" -v "${backup_dir}:/backup" busybox \ tar czf "/backup/${volume}_backup.tar.gz" -C /data .; \ echo "Backup of ${volume} completed."; done'

This command creates a directory called proxus_backup in the current working directory and creates a compressed archive file for each Docker volume associated with the Proxus IIoT platform.


To restore your data from a backup, use the following command:

sudo sh -c 'backup_dir="./proxus_backup"; \ for backup_file in ${backup_dir}/*_backup.tar.gz; \ do volume="$(basename ${backup_file} _backup.tar.gz)"; \ echo "Restoring ${volume} from ${backup_file}..."; \ docker run --rm -v "${volume}:/data" -v "$(pwd):/backup" busybox \ tar xzf "/backup/${backup_file}" -C "/data"; \ echo "Restoration of ${volume} completed."; done'

This command assumes you have a directory called proxus_backup in the current working directory containing the backup files. It will extract each compressed archive file to the corresponding Docker volume.

Note: Make sure to stop and remove the Proxus IIoT containers before performing a restore operation to avoid data corruption.


If you encounter any issues during the installation or usage of the Proxus IIoT platform, you can check the Docker logs for more information:

Replace proxus-ui and proxus-server with the appropriate container names if they are different in your setup.

You can also seek help from the Proxus IIoT community or official support channels.


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